The body is one of the most intelligent organisms on earth. And yet we have forgotten how it can promote our mental health.
We often try to cognitively solve problems and forget that our body is a crucial tool in solving them. Body psychotherapy is based on a holistic view of man, which integrates body, feelings, mind, behavior and soul.
All of our feelings evoke a reaction in the body. If this is very stressful and cannot be processed, these conflicts can manifest themselves physically in the form of chronic tension and other psychosomatic symptoms. Traumatic experiences are stored in the body and cause the affected person physical or psychological suffering long after the actual experience.
Just like the conversation in psychotherapy, the body is also a helpful tool for penetrating deep-seated emotional injuries and for uncovering conflicts, tensions and trauma.
Reasons for body psychotherapy
Inexplicable physical discomfort
Difficulty feeling physically
Feelings are difficult to feel and express
Chronic tension or pain without a medical cause
Conflicts can no longer be resolved cognitively
Various attempts at therapy were unsuccessful
Body psychotherapy process
In the session, current stressful topics are highlighted with the help of body-oriented sequences. Procedures for this can be to focus on physical sensations through deep breathing or to discover impulses and express them. In this way, the inner voice can be given more expression. The body decides by itself which things want to appear. We work with what is shown physically in the session. In order to process what has been experienced at the end of the sessions and to find the opportunity for a round conclusion, integrating measures are carried out.
Individual session with a therapist
90 or 120 min (on demand) with one therapist.
Is body psychotherapy covered by health insurance?
Body psychotherapy is usually not covered by health insurance and is therefore paid for by the client himself.
Is body contact necessary?
No, not necessarily. There are clients who take a long time to build trust for touch. If this is the case, I work as a guide as far as possible, without going into external contact.
Do you talk during body psychotherapy?
Yes. Although body psychotherapy primarily works with body and body sensations, the involvement of the emotional level is of crucial importance. By working with the body, suppressed feelings come to the surfaces that are to be expressed. So it is very important to keep the conversation going in body psychotherapy.